“包装工程师”的角色是特定于需要包装解决方案的项目或行业. In the manufacturing world, 包装工程师帮助公司设计和开发大规模生产的新容器,以向最终用户提供新产品.

In the specialty crating, packaging and shipping business, packaging engineers have a different challenge. At a company like Craters & Freighters, 我们的工程师设计定制的容器/包装套装,以适应我们包装的每一个单独的项目. Since we work with all industries, 我们的工程师的专业知识是至关重要的安全和可靠的运输项目在当地, nationally and internationally.

我们的包装专家设计,测试和建造各种板条箱风格,包括Mil/ASTM规格. To ensure maximum protection, each item is assessed to be packaged with additional shoring, cradling, cushioning, bolting, blocking, 支撑和绑带,以支持和保护宝贵的资产在旅途中.

该职位是在公司30多年前开始运营后不久设立的. 我们认识到,客户需要运输的物品中有很大一部分不能用标准集装箱安全运输. 快进到今天,我们的工程部门利用SolidWorks 3D建模程序来创建, design and test these structures before they’ve ever been built.

For example, try to picture any of these items in a typical box:

  • An airplane fuselage
  • Large movie props of all varieties
  • Massive boilers, silos, kettles and other industrial equipment
  • Large/ornate antique chandeliers
  • Computer server racks
  • Industrial pipeline
  • A larger-than-life-size horse statue
  • Airplanes, helicopters, boats, spacecraft and other vehicles
  • A gold piano
  • Refrigerators and other appliances
  • A stained glass window
  • Wind generator propeller blades
  • Amusement park rides

再多的包装花生也无法将这些资产固定住! From their shape and weight to their fragility, each has characteristics that require special attention. 包装工程师研究这些特征,并开发出一种固定和保护资产在定制的板条箱或其他容器中的策略.

与没有这类专业知识的全球赌博十大网站公司合作的企业正在有效地孤注一掷,希望传统的包装措施能够保护他们的资产. In some cases, they get lucky. In many others, they do not.

custom crate

Designing and Building a Wide Range of Crates

包装工程师被要求设计和建造的板条箱样式列表实际上是无穷无尽的. Some of the more common types include:

  • Commercial crates
  • Industrial crates
  • Product-specific crates
  • ISPM 15 export-certified crates (see below)
  • Reusable crates
  • Knock-down crates
  • IT equipment crates
  • Trade show crates
  • Display crates
  • 军用板条箱(ASTM - D6251, D6256, D6880, D6039, D7478等)
  • Computer crates
  • Art crates
  • Electronics crates
  • Moving crates
  • Furniture crates
  • Museum-quality crates
  • Antique crates

在许多情况下,包装策略还包括使用定制的木滑板或托盘. The packaging process can be performed at a Craters & 货轮的位置或可能要求整个建设发生在现场.

ispm-15 wood crates

International Shipping and ISPM 15 Compliant Wooden Crates

对于国际运输,包装工程师必须了解ISPM 15的要求. Under these regulations, 所有板条箱必须由经过热处理(或以其他方式处理)的木材建造,并证明没有害虫,以防止目的地国家的虫害. 未认证的板条箱可由目的国海关官员扣留,并可自行进行熏蒸或销毁.

经过检查和批准的板条箱会得到所谓的“bug stamp”或ISPM 15标记. 这有助于确保他们顺利通过海关. So, in addition to learning how to fully secure goods for transport, 包装工程师必须及时了解国内外的运输要求,并在其中工作.

Beyond Shipping Crates: The Importance of Asset Packaging

In shipping terminology, “板条箱”和“包装”是相互关联的,但由包装工程师和与他们一起工作的装运准备团队进行的独立活动. 包装是指用来加强板条箱或箱子内物品保护的材料, or on a pallet or skid.

corrugated packaging

This may include:

  • Anti-static materials. When electronics are transported, special wraps, 缓冲和屏障可以用来防止静电放电损坏它们的组件.
  • Vapor barriers (VCI bags). 海洋运输任何可能被空气中的湿气损坏的物品——电子产品, in particular—requires that special vapor-proof packaging be used. 其他措施包括将活性干燥剂放入蒸汽屏障内, 然后密封屏障接缝,并使用专门的真空系统,以消除现有的空气和水分从袋内. 我们还可以在袋子里放置湿度指示卡,当袋子最终打开时可以读取,或者使用穿过屏障的湿度指示插头,以便在运输过程中进行监测.
  • Heat shrink wrapping. 我们经常使用加热时会收缩的保鲜膜来紧紧地粘在物品上,以固定和保护它们. 这在运输过程中很有帮助,比如当物品被收缩包装到托盘或其他结构中时,也可以用于短期和长期存储资产.
  • Specialized cushioning. 不同的物品需要不同的缓冲方法基于他们的易碎性等级, the material they are made of, their shape and size, the dimensions of the container they are placed in, etc. 包装工程师决定需要什么样的缓冲类型和数量,作为他们开发的保护策略的一部分.
  • Corrugated cardboard. Corrugated cardboard is strong and lightweight, making it ideal for use in shipping, whether as the primary container, or for partitioning inside a crate, etc.
  • Hard shell cases. Specialized cases may be used to protect items during shipping, either alone or within a crate or other container. 我们也可以生产完全定制设计/削减层垫专门为您的项目.


wood crates

The Ever-Evolving Role of a Packaging Engineer

The materials, 在运输过程中保护资产(以及处理资产的人员)的方法和技术在不断发展. 因此,包装工程师的角色也在不断变化.

That is why the packaging experts we employ at Craters & Freighters are constantly learning and expanding their skills. They never settle for protection strategies that are “good enough.” Instead, 他们不断挑战自己,利用新的材料和技术,或者以新的方式利用现有的材料和技术,以最大限度地提高我们处理的每批货物的稳定性和安全性.